Infinitopes and Bruker Forge Groundbreaking Collaboration in Immunopeptidomics for Cancer Antigen Discovery

The discovery of novel peptide antigens on tumour cells is driving the development of immunotherapeutic vaccines for the treatment of cancer. Currently, immunopeptidomics powered by mass spectrometry is the only technology able to directly identify these antigens. At Infinitopes, we are collaborating with the leading mass spectrometry technology company Bruker to develop a world leading immunopeptidomic based antigen discovery platform.  In a recent poster, Infinitopes showcase their state-of-the-art sample preparation capabilities in synergy with the latest high-sensitivity mass spectrometry technology from Bruker. Building on Inifinitopes’ proprietary antigen purification strategy Bruker optimise the performance of their new timsTOF Ultra mass spectrometer providing a highly sensitive platform for antigen discovery. Bruker fine-tuned their instrument parameters to enable identification of thousands of peptide antigens from just 1 million melanoma cells. This development paves the way for cancer antigen discovery directly from patient biopsies, overcoming a critical unmet need for target discovery in the field of immuno-oncology. Dr. Rob Parker, Lead Scientist Discovery Immunomics of Infinitopes, commented:

“We are excited to see our R&D capabilities drastically expanded through our unique collaboration with Bruker. Bruker’s commitment toward ultra-sensitive discovery immunopeptidomics will accelerate Infinitopes growth and provide unique benefit to our existing and future and partners, with our enhanced R&D output positioning Infinitopes as a leading force in cancer antigen discovery”.

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